
Performance Max by Google Ads: What is it, and what will its impact be?

In a rented garage in 1998 California, complete with innumerable computer desktops and a solitary tennis table, Stanford University PhD students Sergey Brin and Larry Page worked diligently on their technological brainchild. In between imaginable games of repetitious ping pong and critical coffee interludes, Google was born on 4 September of that year. In an […]


eCommerce in a Modern World: How is it Making an Impact?

eCommerce is fast becoming a vital component of worldwide retail structure. First coined and utilised by the California State Assembly’s Utilities and Commerce Committee’s major consultant Dr Robert Jacobson in 1984, the model has evolved from simple teleshopping services in the 1970s to dominating 36.3 per cent of the of the overall UK retail market. […]