
What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping, a search engine created to enrich the shopping experience, is now viewed as a legitimate eCommerce platform and a prospective rival to the eCommerce giant, Amazon. Such stimulating competition between the two rivals is a positive development for online retailers, encouraging innovation and maintaining a lower price of advertisements.

What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping as an eCommerce platform is quite different from a standard search engine. For a start, Google chooses when and what content to advertise based on the relevance of the product, by automatically aligning the product with the search terms the shopper has made.

Google Shopping enables online eCommerce stores to sell and promote their products directly via Google. Fuelled by the Google Merchant Centre and Google Ads, Google Shopping advertises the products in an eye-catching format, making use of eCommerce skills, and overtaking the powers of a standard search engine and more basic network advertisements.

How does it work?

Google Shopping drives eCommerce sales with a focus on detailed product descriptions, brand names, pricing, product photographs, comprehensive reviews and ratings and a welcome blend of personalisation and customisation for any potential shopper.

Working in a similar way to a comparison site, Google Shopping gives the user an opportunity to browse through an extensive catalogue of products from far more than a single brand, without clicking away from the original search result. Users can make their purchases instantly and directly from Google Shopping without having to visit retailers’ websites.

Get started with Google Shopping

It goes without saying that any ambitious company striving for eCommerce success should have an active present on the most popular search engine in the world.

Merely featuring in the generated results for a Google search is helpful for an eCommerce company, but Google Shopping offers you even greater opportunities to engage and induce your target buyer, creating more conversions and visibility. Without a doubt, it is more essential than ever before for companies striving for eCommerce success to have a presence on Google, and Google Shopping is the perfect platform for this.

Photo: Free image by Pixabay